Our Future Vision:

Pushing aside the PDAs

As consumers continue to demand greater convenience and portability, a single-network device will inevitably emerge to replace multiple portable devices running on outdated and flawed networks.

The Network: High and Mighty

Representation of area covered by airship-based wireless GAN signalsPeople will access information through a Global Area Network (GAN) with an 8 Gbps wireless signal that grants access to GPS4, satellite radio, cellular networks, etc.--all broadcasted over IP. The GAN will feature reliability and 95 percent efficient throughput by implementing FAST protocol developed by Caltech in 2003; current networks operate at 30-40 percent efficiency. FDIA Prototype--Compact Module (Retracted Screen)

The Device: Clean, yet Capable

Consumers will access the GAN with a slender device, the biodegradable Flat Display Information Assistant (FDIA). The FDIA will perform duties of multiple modern electronic devices, feature a retractable 15.7" screen, and resemble a pack of chewing gum (see right) when fully compacted.

Advanced I/O: Ending Carpal-Tunnel for Good

A Demonstration of Laser Scanner TechnologyFDIAs will feature a novel data input system to reduce injury. A smart laser scanner on the compact module will project laser beams onto fingertips and track three-dimensional movement, as well as utilize shape-recognition software to translates gestures into common commands.
Click for an Enlarged Diagram on How Laser Scanning Works [Click Diagram to see it in a New Window]

A Film-Substrate Display Prototype by FujitsuThe FDIA's screen will consist of a touch-sensitive 150-micron-thick film-substrate display, a low-power, high-resolution screen. A layer of transparent plastic film speakers that has undergone IAR treatment and can emit directional sound will cover the display.

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