
  A Multi-Therapy Solution


Step 2: Mechanical Therapy

Mechanical Therapy stabilizes the spine after Drug Therapy relaxes the muscles surrounding the spine and softens the vertebrae to the point where the reshaping of the spine is possible.

What is it?

  • Mechanical Therapy entails carbon fiber straps that provide a light-weight and limited-stretch material to apply supportive and elongating spinal straightening forces.
  • The carbon fiber straps are integrated into a comfortable high-tech hollow fiber vest.

How does it work?

  • The carbon fiber straps are placed around the patient's torso, according to the individual's curvature. These straps provide mechanical forces which support the spine and apply straightening forces.
  • The carbon fiber straps assure that the spine does not buckle while the Drug Therapy facilitates changes to the vertebrae and muscles.

Free Body Diagram

The S2I Carbon Fiber Straps are anchored to the torso as depicted in the picture and apply a straightening force to the torso and spine as indicated by the arrows.

Please proceed to Step 3: Magnetic Therapy.

Carbon Fiber Straps


The above picture shows the placement of the carbon fiber straps in relation to the curved spine.

Hollow Fiber Vest


The hollow fiber vest, pictured above, is the platform for the four therapies.

Orientation Note for S2I Prototype Images :The depictions of the spine and torso silhouette (shown above and left) are for illustrative purposes only. The spine is that of a patient facing up, while the torso silhouette demonstrates the placement of the therapies on the patient's back.

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