
  A Multi-Therapy Solution


S2I A Multi-Therapy Solution for Scoliosis

What is the S2I?

To understand the meaning of the S2I name, it is necessary to know the condition being treated. The S2I treats scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine. "S" represents the original curvature, "2" represents the transformation to, "I" represents the straightened spine resulting from using the S2I.

Why is the S2I needed?

Scoliosis can lead to a life full of pain, either caused by the condition itself and/or the current treatments. The current treatments include stretching and strengthening exercises, bracing, and surgery. These treatment options can be painful, risky, and may not even reduce the spinal curvature. If left untreated, however, scoliosis and its related problems may become life-threatening.

Research regarding current scoliosis treatments shows:

"The truth is that bracing, manipulation, exercise and other methods of alternative therapy don’t reverse spinal curvature. When properly employed, some techniques have been shown to stop or slow curve progression, and many can have a positive effect on back pain associated with severe scoliosis, but none have been clinically proven to ‘cure’ it" (Anand, 2013).

"Successful surgery still does not eliminate spinal curvature and it introduces irreversible complications whose long-term impact is poorly understood" (Hawes, 2006).

Orientation Note for S2I Prototype Images : orientation The depictions of the spine and torso silhouette (such as the one to the right) are for illustrative purposes only. The spine is that of a patient facing up, while the torso silhouette demonstrates the placement of the therapies on the patient's back.

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