Design Process

Our team decided to create a technology to wake us without grogginess and/or let us stay awake for long time periods. The Web led us to Provigil©. There were no sleep aids without side effects, so we hypothesized that a new drug could induce sleep safely. We thought of using a “nanotruck” to take drugs to the brain but decided (1) that it was confusing. We then researched cells with nanovalves to deliver drugs. Once the idea of an adhesive band to deliver drugs was discussed, we thought about the design of the drug delivery band. During research, we found the Georgia Tech work on microneedles. We decided on these rather than an adhesive (2) or nanovalves (3). We bought a watch for a prototype and we designed button functions, face changes, and Sculpey© clay drug disks. The logo was designed with awake and asleep eyes. Our first version looked scary (4). The final version was done with the computer. We knew we needed a small computer and battery, so we researched conducting polymers and LEDs.

We asked a doctor from the Sleep Medicine & Research Center to be our mentor. She encouraged us to make our new drug Prosleep capable of activating non-REM and REM sleep.

Designing the Web pages was not hard. We used Dreamweaver© and Flash© from Macromedia©. We met once a week for four months to complete our entry.

BCB by SST Technologies

The "nanotruck" idea was discarded


The first atempt at drawing eyes turned scary
