






    The biggest challenge is to fully decode the genes and processes that control the sense of taste. In 2004 Scientists Axel and Buick receive the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the set of olfactory receptors and how they work together to send messages to the brain that led to the understanding of how mammals can identify between nearly infinite number of odors. We took advantage of this new knowledge to look at how variation in taste genes might relate to the taste likes and dislikes of children and parents. The milestones needed to make TBMS a reality are:

1. Even though the receptors for known basic tastes have been identified there are multiple other controversial taste sensations. Taste gene decoding needs to be solved.

 2. The taste receptors are very diverse. This might affect the binding of ligands to receptors from different individuals (i.e there are three taste receptors for sweet taste and a family of genes for bitter taste). Some substances that taste bitter to some individuals are completely tasteless to other individuals. It depends on molecular-gene interaction. 

 3. The taste receptor which would have the greatest impact on an individual’s food ingestion need to be identified. Genetic taste markers need to be identified.

4. Currently genetic engineering and nanotechnology research are very expensive as it is drug research. At least 20-25 thousand drugs need to be tested for one to reach the market.

5.  Biocompatibility of genetic taste markers and nanoparticles with our body need to be completely understood (which side effects could be present? (drug development research)).

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