Nanoparticle-Induced Immunoresponsive Correction and Redirection of Fat Accumulation
The Problem
The Solution
The Solutions: NIIC and RFA


The video below describes how NIIC will cure Type I diabetes.

Attaching nanoparticles to islet antigens modifies the structure of the molecule. When these modified antigens are injected into the spleen, macrophages engulf them, but do not initiate an immune response. The modified antigens are presented on the surface, and T-cells bind to them. Thus, the T-cells are “fooled” into thinking that the islet antigens have mutated, and will search for them, but will not find them in the body’s cells. Thus, immunoresponsive correction in Type I diabetes is achieved. This mechanism is one of two explanations for the reason the treatment works. The second explanation is that the immune system will recognize the nanoparticles as part of the body because of its biodegradability, thus rewiring the immune system to not attack islet cells.


The video below describes how RFA will cure Type II diabetes.

RFA is a drug that redirects fat accumulation away from the heart and muscles helps make insulin more available to cells in those areas. Coupling this technique with a healthy lifestyle will eliminate Type II diabetes.