Drawing of the Lozacote Bandage's computer.
The Lozacote Computer
The Lozacote Computer is a hand-held pocket-sized computer that
allows a doctor to 'read' what's going on inside a patient's wound and
body.  It tells the doctor the patient's vital signs, whether the wound
is infected and needs antibiotics, which it prescribes, or pain killers,
which it also prescribes.  By using the computer a doctor can access
a patient's information from anywhere in the world.
     Then, Dr. Dave sat down in his chair and waited 12 seconds for
the data about Vicki's health and her wound to register on the
Lozacote computer.

     The computer started beeping loudly.
     "Does diabetes run in your family?" Dr. Dave asked.
     "Yes," Vicki's mom replied.  "In fact Vicki's cousin died a few
years ago because it wasn't detected early enough to control."
     "I'm sorry to tell you, but Vicki has juvenile diabetes.  We'll
begin treatment immediately.  Since we caught it so early she
should be fine," Dr. Dave stated.
Click on the girl to continue Vicki's Adventure.