The year is 2033. Elizabeth Gomez, a 30-year-old environmental engineer, has lived in Mexico City throughout her life. Born completely blind, Elizabeth grew up using a cane and seeing-eye dog. She has always been interested in math and science, but struggled with high school geometry and physics due to inadequate assistive technologies at that time.

TEVIA Tech allows Elizabeth to maintain a high level position at her company. She regularly uses presentation, word processing, spreadsheet, and modeling software for her work and in mentoring business-inclined high school and college students.

An avid traveler, Elizabeth regularly visits major cities throughout the world. TEVIA Tech aids her in short, local navigation and obstacle detection as well as point-to-point travel, finding taxis, and using public transportation.

On a recent trip to London, Elizabeth used her TEVIA device to check into the airport, find a restaurant, determine souvenir prices in the airport gift shop, and read an eBook while awaiting her flight. After arrival, Elizabeth used her device to adjust the air conditioning in her hotel room and call her husband and 6 year-old son. The next day the device assisted her in two business presentations, finding a museum, and attending an evening concert. Elizabeth successfully balances her professional and personal lives with the assistance of TEVIA technology.