Dragon Jar AFM GPS Seismograph Holography DSRC

In 1947, European scientist Dennis Gabor invented holography.  The word "hologram" is Greek for "whole message."  A hologram is a 3D image. 

By 1962, scientists from the University of Michigan had started using lasers to make holographic images.  Back then, lasers were needed to both make and view holograms. 

Now, lasers are still used to make holograms, but are not required to view the 3D images.  This has resulted in more widespread use of holographic images.  During the 1970s and 1980s, there was even a traveling museum of holograms.  In the 1980s, National Geographic was the first magazine to use a hologram on it's cover.  Companies also started using them for security purposes, and they are now common with credit cards.

Scientists are working with holograms in all sorts of ways.  Holographic images are small, so are great for storing a lot of images in a very tiny space.  Did you know that the entire Library of Congress could be stored holographically on the size of a postage stamp?!

Click on the picture below to see a series of diagrams explaining the physics of holography.

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