NADAPTechnology Explained

Fcabs: Antibody fragments engineered from the constant region of the antibody, which binds to antibody receptors on immune cells.

High-affinity IgE receptors: Engineered from Fc receptor-like molecules (FCRL) that are homologous to antibody binding sites on immune cells.

Magnetic nanoparticles: A gold shell allows conjugation to Fcabs and high affinity IgE receptors. A magnetic core creates repulsive forces between the particles, keeping them apart. The magnetic nanoparticles will degrade in the body after an hour, roughly the amount of time it takes for asthma-related inflammation to subside.


Components: NADAPTechnology’s components include a disk inhaler
and a set of sensors, one worn externally and one surgically implanted.

Sensor technology: Protein-specific nucleic acid aptamers are conjugated
to gold nanorods, which are contained inside a glass capillary tube. When
proteins dock on the nanorods, the nanorods change color. The sensors can be
customized to detect the most common triggers as well as triggers unique to each
patient, allowing for an individualized and targeted prevention approach.

Sensors: The external sensor is designed to detect proteins in allergens.
The internal sensor is designed to monitor levels of serum eosinophil
cationic protein (sECP), a protein found in higher concentrations
immediately before the onset of an asthma attack.

Inhaler: The inhaler contains the nanoparticle-based preventative treatment.