The Blooming of the CVC

Possibly the greatest advantage of solar energy is that it is a renewable and “safe” resource. By using solar cells to change sunlight into electricity, the environment will improve as humans rely less on limited fossil fuels supplies, which cause air pollution, acid rain, and respiratory ailments. Such catastrophes as oil spills and coal strip-mines will be diminished. Furthermore, solar energy does not emit harmful by-products, unlike fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide. Without the need to burn large amount of fossil fuels to keep up with the world’s electricity demand, we will decrease air pollution, deterioration of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect (in which light enters the earth’s atmosphere but cannot escape, thus contributing to global warming). Long term effects of CO2 could include the melting of ice glaciers, rising sea level and flooding coasts, as well as skin and lung diseases in humans. Furthermore, CVCs will replace nuclear reactors, which produce harmful radioactive waste that contaminate the environment.

By investigating chlorophyll in such depth, scientists may be possible to improve and assist plants. Synthesizing an inorganic version of chlorophyll may lead to improvements in energy conversion of plants, from solar energy to biological. In addition, genetically adjusting the make-up of plants may enable us to create new species with remarkable properties that can be applied to medical and technological fields. New and improved medicines, materials and plants can transform the world for the better. Plant life will also be assisted. Not only will we grow more plants, but plants located near the equator, for instance, may be introduced into cooler areas of the world as well. This may help with the production of agricultural products to accommodate the increase of population on earth.

Figure 5: CVCs may be used almost anywhere...for various purposes.

Moreover, CVCs in space will provide a constant, reliable source of electricity, since the sun always shines. Human dependence on CVCs is “safe” because, unlike fossil fuels, solar energy cannot be depleted for billions of years. As well, sunlight is so abundant that CVCs can be used practically anywhere. Since the energy does not need to be extracted with large machines or structures, it is convenient for isolated areas such as the desert (Fig. 5). Evidently, the CVC is a practical, cheap, efficient energy source, and surely is a promising one for the year 2020.